Starting the New Year __“There's no telling how far someone can go when they don't know that they can't…”

How far are YOU going to go this New Year? Everyone knows that 2020 was tough. And looking at the rising COVID numbers in Africa, this year is starting out very tough, too. Amidst this crisis, what a joy it was on January 1st to read about some amazing young innovators in Nigeria doing the most creative films with “what is in their hands”!! I can’t tell you what a smile this gave me, to start the New Year watching such incredible imaginations in action.
“The Critics Company” that I read about on New Year’s Day is a group of young filmmakers (mostly all cousins I think) who are now even attracting Hollywood movie studios that were so impressed by the short sci-fi films and other touching works these young Nigerians produced and have posted online in the past few years.
Their entrepreneurial venture all got started around 2015 when a few young cousins in Kaduna, Nigeria who all liked to watch and “critique” movies together… decided to make the bold step to become filmmakers (and actors) themselves. No money for fancy expensive cameras at first, they simply used their smartphones. To great effect! Their first investment: buying green fabric to make their own “green screen” backdrop. Wow.
The global film industry generally has huge budgets for successful high-tech productions which utilize all sorts of expensive special effects (even for short films). But these resourceful entrepreneurs didn’t let that stop them at all! No money to procure “locations” and star-studded “casts”, they just “scouted” to see what was around them in their own neighborhoods.
The Critics Company has now made around 20 short films. Part of the reason they are short… erratic electricity and not enough data to upload the films to the Internet. You see, they were fighting IN the conditions, and did not let resource constraints get in their way!
This is a perfect example of what I’ve been telling you for years. Do what you can with what you have. If you wait till everything is perfect, it will never ever happen.
When they got started, these now heralded young filmmakers did not have the first idea how to make a film. So what did they do? They went online to watch free YouTube tutorials. You can do this, too. Whatever your business dream, I am sure you can study online now. And you can go onto Sasai podcast, too!
So... How far are you going to go this year?
__“There's no telling how far someone can go when they don't know that they can't…”
Like I have told you here so many times before: Anyone can have an idea (or criticize others) but who this year, even with all of the challenges, will have the courage to take the first concrete steps necessary to EXECUTE YOUR IDEA?
One of the reasons I built Sasai was to create a platform for African creative content like the short films produced by The Critics Company. Over the years, it's been a real challenge for world-class #Innovators like these young filmmakers to reach African and global audiences and also to monetize their talents. This is one huge obstacle we are trying to get out of the way in your paths to prosperity. There are really no excuses now not to get discovered in 2021!
Now I'll start by sharing the YouTube link where you can watch and be inspired, too. As soon as possible, I hope and expect you will see The Critics Company on Sasai... The Home of African Content!
The Critics Company's main goal, they said, is to become one of Africa's biggest multimedia studios: "It seems like quite a big dream for us, but we know it's possible"...
I think they are on their way. What about you?
Let’s talk.
Image credit: Some members and friends of the Critics Company:


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