Stars Ruffing Out Isolation With Pets -- Canine and Chill!

Amidst the Covid-19 stay home and lock down, some stars are taking their friendship with their pets to a whole new level while others are keeping boredom at bay during their isolation. Some are seen cuddling, some are kissing their pet while others are just posing for the camera with theirs.
In all, these stars are surviving the isolation and social distancing with a little help from man's best friend ... and their furry friends don't seem to mind the extra attention!
Celebs such as Emily RatajkowskiFinneas O'ConnellBrody Jenner, and Natalie
Portman have been cooped up inside like the rest of us, and have been passing the time by hanging out with their four-legged pets.
Take a look at some of the stars that have been sharing their cutest canine moments with their fur babies by scrolling through our gallery of stars self-isolating with their pets.
This is the new Netflix and Chills only this time it is called Canine and Chill, lol
Stop trying to make fetch happen!


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