Letters To Johnson : Is This Just A Letter - Emmanuel I. Emodiae

All you ever wanted was
to be important
To be taken seriously
To be seen as one who mattered
To be a person of impact
Hence the due deligence you gave to the duties of life and to the demands of success.
You submitted yourself to those you believed will mentor you aright
You didn’t cross every T nor dot every I but at the very least it was comforting to say you did
and gave to life your very best.
You choosed your friends wisely as you were instructed.
Tagged along those whom you perceived could inspire you along the way.
There were a few stopping, a few falling, a few shortcoming but you had as a mantra, "the rightoues falls seven times and stands up again", so ain't nothing powerful enough to serve as a deterrent to your life's pursuit.
You were not interested in gold, fame or vain assemblies.
Your focus was razor sharp.
You were not the top student in school but your desire to matter made you a leader many looked up to.
You finished and went for your mandatory service year and as its said, "all is well that ends well", thus was your case that you ended well.
Finally life was to start...
It's been four years since service year but something just seems not to add up. It's almost as if someone had put a pause on the pursuit of your dreams. You hate Monday mornings and always join the mob to scream TGIF! (Thank God It's Friday).
You are committed in your local assembly (the church you worship), you send cash once a while to mum and Dad to honor them and their sacrifice of love. Everyone looks up to you as the solution guy, but you have a problem you don't even know what it is.
Your mind is entertaining the thought of suicide but you can't bring yourself to doing it. Depression is dealing with you but you pretend all is well. With a careful analysis you discover the cause of your emotional paralysis and it is....
A. You joined the rat race. In a bid to survive you left off the dreams in your heart and was more concerned with filling your stomach.
B. You are either too scared or too lazy to incoperate your dream into your current life.
C. You have a personal mountain that has been in your family that only you know you are suffering and you are refusing to speak out in order to save face.
Don't give up. Many before you found themselves in this station, those that went beyond it did so by being sincere with themselves. They got tired of the charade, the sham, and self deciet. They went headlong in addressing the issues that was partinent to their case.
If they did so, you can too. You are a lovely person, don't let this world turn you into a shadow of yourself.
Is this just a letter or does it have a Prophetic undertone? Thou reader you be the judge.
Jesus is your Ebenezer.
Written By
Emmanuel I. Emodiae
Gospel Preacher


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